Accepted Payment Methods

Moody Dining Services locations accept cash, Visa, MasterCard and Dining Services Funds.

Gift Cards

Our Dining Services Funds can be loaded onto fobs or gift cards and can be used in all areas of Dining Services: SDR, Commons and Joe’s and is a great way to encourage a friend or thank a co-worker.

  • Moody saves money each time you use your Dining Services Funds instead of always using your credit card (each credit card swipe incurs transaction fees)
  • Easy and convenient
  • Great for anyone on campus or visiting
  • Pre-load with as much as desired (starting at $10)
  • Reloading is easy through any register or the Dining Services Office
  • Can easily remove and transfer funds if lost or stolen 
    (must register by sending an e-mail with your name, ID number and card number to for this service)

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