Community Values and Expectations


Welcome to Moody Bible Institute! Below you will discover some of the core values that we hold to at Moody Bible Institute.

Valuing Tradition

You are part of a larger story. As your educational partners and spiritual leaders, we want you to play a dynamic role in this story by valuing our tradition. During your time here, you will learn about Moody’s heritage and get your opportunity to be a participant. Our goal is to familiarize you with our tradition and invite you to make it your own.

Why do we value tradition? We value tradition because it tells us who we are. Tradition is a story or legacy that predates us but shapes our identity. It helps answer fundamental questions about who we are (as a nation, a group, or an individual) and define our purpose. Tradition connects us with our roots and provides meaning, order, and mission.

Loving Leadership

As an integral part of the Student Life Department, our staff serves as co-educators and spiritual leaders who love and lead the student body. We intentionally shape the Moody culture so that students mature in Christ. We attempt to lead students through life-giving relationships that add value, deepen character, and encourage development in each student. Our residence hall program is intended to provide a training ground for leadership and ministry because we believe in students’ potential as ministers and leaders. We seek to serve students with love and respect, not fear and control. This redeeming, relational love is the context in which we strive to maintain rules and exercise discipline.

Our mission is to serve as a catalyst for students to become complete in Christ (Col. 1:28–29) and to encourage them to become growing and complementary members of the body of Christ (Eph. 4:15–16). It is to this end that we care for students and help them to grow in every aspect of their lives. We desire to see students reach their full potential and take hold of the gifts that the Lord has given them. Our goal is that students would leave Moody as whole individuals who love the Lord, love others, and serve for the advancement of the Kingdom.

Our relationships are sacred because we reflect God’s image. We must honor each other by showing respect, shaping each other’s character, speaking the truth in love, and exercising mutual submission and encouragement. As an institution, we desire to live and grow together in a safe environment. We provide this experience so that you can learn communal practices such as vulnerability, healthy boundaries, and mutual accountability.

Holistic Formation

Successful growth as a student at Moody means maturing in Christ. We are intentional about helping you incorporate your spiritual growth with your academic, physical, and social growth. You will have many opportunities to apply your Moody learning in conversation, Scripture study, hospitality, practical ministry, creativity, and worship.

We desire to see our students incorporate God into even the mundane areas of life. Students can expect to be challenged spiritually, emotionally, and relationally at Moody. We want to assist students in any way we can to integrate what is learned in the classroom or chapel into their lives. We believe the choices that students make about the way they spend their time is part of maturing in Christ, and our hope is that our students would see how Christ can be glorified in all that they do and say and how the information they learn in the classroom can be applied in their everyday lives.

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