Copy Center
A Division of Mail Services
We're here, right around the corner from CPO, with the fastest and highest quality copiers and printers on campus ...
- We've also got Moody's widest Wide Format Printer for large prints, larger posters and banners.
- Our assortment of paper types and colors gives you many options.
- Submitting print orders and paper or bindery orders is easy. Just use the online Requisition Form on your computer or at our kiosk in Copy Center.
- We also have spiral binding, folding and other finishing services available.
We'll do your printing better, faster, bigger—don't you have something else that needs to be done?
Contact Us
(312) 329-4256
Torrey-Gray Basement (near CPO)
Copy Center Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:30am-3:30pm