Student Grievance Form

Student Grievance Form

It is the aim of the faculty, staff, and administration of the Moody Bible Institute to provide an increasingly improved curricular and co-curricular program for our students. In addition, it is our desire that the community environment is conducive to student's academic and personal growth. Therefore, input from students is greatly encouraged.

Please Note: The student grievance process does not cover grade complaints, which are addressed in the Grade Appeals section of the 2024-2025 Academic Catalog located at  The student grievance process does not cover Title IX issues, such as Sexual Harassment or Sexual Violence which are defined and addressed in Moody’s Title IX Policy. To submit a Title IX related issue, click here and fill out the “Sexual Harassment/Sexual Violence (Title IX) Reporting Form.”

Students who have a specific concern or complaint regarding their experience as a student at MBI are encouraged to Submit the Student Grievance Form to seek to resolve the issue. Students should also complete this Form if there is a personal issue or condition that exists a student believes to be unfair, inequitable, discriminatory, or a hindrance to his/her education. The Student Grievance Form may be completed through the student's my.Moody portal.

Once submitted, the Student Grievance Form will be reviewed by the appropriate Vice President or Dean (depending on the category of the Grievance) to determine the best course of action to address the grievance.

Categories for Grievances: Academic Undergraduate; Academic Graduate; Student Life; Grievance against a Vice President.

The report submitted will be held confidential to the extent possible. Grievance information may be shared with college officials to conduct a thorough investigation. As appropriate to the type of grievance reported, the Vice President or Dean who receives the grievance submission may forward the report to an appropriate Academic Dean, the Vice President of Human Resources, or the Title IX Coordinator.

The student will receive a response or Outcome within two weeks of the date the form is submitted. This will either give an answer to the grievance or inform about the measures being taken to address the grievance.


A student may file an appeal related to the Outcome from an undergraduate or graduate academic grievance to the Provost, Dr. Timothy Sisk, within 48 hours of notification of the Outcome.

A student may file an appeal related to the Outcome from a Student Life grievance to the Vice President and Dean of Student Life, Dr. William Washington, within 48 hours of the notification of the Outcome.

Appeals must be received in writing and state clearly the grounds that justify reconsideration. General dissatisfaction with the outcome of the investigation or related proceedings is not a basis for appeal. The appeal will be considered by the appropriate party and a Final Outcome communicated within two weeks.

If after completing the Student Grievance Form, receiving an Outcome, and working through the appeal process, a student believes the issue has not been resolved, the student has the option of filing a complaint with one of Moody's accreditation agencies. A list of accreditation agencies can be found at

Student Life accepts anonymous reports of grievances and will follow up on such reports. The individual making the report is encouraged to provide as much detailed information as possible (similar to that requested in the online form). To assure anonymity, please type the information, print, and submit to the Student Life office via USPS (Moody Bible Institute, Attn: Dr. William Washington, Crowell 8, 821 N LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60620). Please note that the Vice President and Dean of Student Life, Dr. William Washington, may be limited in the ability to investigate and respond to an anonymous report unless sufficient information is furnished to enable the conduct of a meaningful and fair investigation.

Any questions related to the completion or use of the Student Grievance Form should be directed to the Vice President and Dean of Student Life, Dr. William Washington. He can be reached at

Student Grievance Form

Student Information



Type of Grievance

Please describe the grievance in the space below using concise and objective language.

If the grievance you are describing is a specific incident or behavior, please include as many of the following details as possible/applicable: location, date, time, names of those involved, whether those involved were students, faculty or staff members.

By submitting this form, I am indicating that the information on this form is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any intentional misrepresentation of information may result in disciplinary actions.

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